Monday, July 04, 2005

A declaration

  • My ancestors served this country with honor and sometimes shed their blood for it and the ideals upon which it was founded...
  • I believe the precepts of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are compatible with my faith...
  • I know the Founding Fathers did not consider polytheism to be a sign of a bad American...
  • I know "my country, right or wrong" means "It's my country whether it's behaving itself according to its ideals or not" instead of "love it or leave it"...
  • I vote in elections and try to keep myself informed on the issues...
  • I raise my voice against would-be tyrants regardless of their political bent...
  • I remember that this nation was founded by people on wildly different sides of divisive issues, which means respect for diversity has been part of our ideals all along...
For all those and many other reasons, I call myself a pagan patriot.

Happy Independence Day.

1 comment:

Ryan Duran said...

Appreciate the time you took to write this